

U 14 veku trenutna teritorija Moldavije bila je Kneževina Moldavija. Naročito dobro je poznat Despot Stefan Veliki. Uspešno se borio protiv napadača, Osmanskog Carstva i Poljske. Nakon njega vladari Moldavije nisu bili toliko uspešni.

U 16-tom veku Moldavija je konačno pala pod upravom Osmanskog Carstva, u sledećim vekovima se stalno se menjaju pravila. 1812 godine deo je Rusije i 1918 godine država postaje deo Kraljevine Rumunije.

Od 1940 godine Moldavija pripada Sovjetskom Savezu. Posle raspada 1991 godine Moldavija je proglasila nezavisnost.

Šta treba znati


Republic of Moldova is abstractly shaped like a cluster of grapes and has obtained the title of “country with open doors in the paradise of wine”. Wine production is the basic occupation of Moldavians.

In 2005, the cellars Mileștii Mici, which extend for 200 km, was registered in the Guinness World Records as the biggest wine collection in the world with nearly 2 million bottles.

On the 1st of March the Mărțișor is given to relatives and friends as a small gift. It consists of a red and white cord with a pendant and is meant to symbolize the spring.

Podaci& Činjenice


Glavni grad Kišinjev

Službeni jezik Rumunski

Novac Lej

Broj stanovnika: 3.56 Million

Površina 33 843 km²

Specijaliteti kukuruz, ovčiji sir

Geografija brda i doline.

Poznate ličnosti


Maria Bieşu In 1967 in Tokyo she won honorary ‘Gold Cup’ prize and also the title ‘Best Cio-Cio-San in the World’

Eugen Doga The most famous composer, being considered a genius. One from the best composers of the XX century.
